
130 ニュース&アップデート

Women on Webは新しいサービスを始めました。 中絶薬を常備できます。

Women on Webは遠隔診療を通して中絶を支援する国際組織です。Women on…

How safe are abortion pills?

Recently, a fellow health care worker asked me about safeguards for a self

Abortion Robot in Mexico 2021

On the International Safe Abortion Day Women on Web joined 80 local groups in…

rAborta media coverage

Reuters:   https://www.reuters.com/video/watch/idOVEWX3GX3 https://www.youtube.

Google’s algorithm is endangering access to Women on Web’s online abortion service

At least three times a year, Women on Web is forced to go through a stressful…

COVID-19 has reduced access to abortion services and increased the demand for telemedicine provision

The COVID-19 pandemic has restricted access to reproductive health services…

The impact of local telemedicine provision on the need for online abortion services in Ireland

Abortion has been legal in Ireland since 2019 and the telemedicine abortion…



Japan left behind in sexual and reproductive health and rights---medical abortion pills mailed from abroad (Part 1)*

Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR) in Japan: Women's Bodies Are Not…