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I had an abortion

2011 Philippines (born in Italy)

i don't believe that other people should decide what we should feel about being pregnant. It should be our own choice and the people around us should support our decision instead of saying its immoral. I respect other peoples choices and religious believes but they should do the same for me and everyone else like me.

scary on my own... unsure of what to expect.

im not ready. i don't think i will ever be ready but it should be my choice.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

i feel bad. Women should have that right to choose not to have children legally.

How did other people react to your abortion?

some of my friends understood, others were not that open about it


Fiz um aborto com 8 semanas. Eu me envolvi com um colega de trabalho, por um…


Miałam aborcję. I nie jestem z tego dumna.
19 lutego 2020 roku zrobiłam test…


Najgorszy dzień w moim życiu. Początek stycznia, wtedy zobaczyłam te…


Minha história começa com o sonho de cursar medicina no Brasil, o que é muito…


Tomé la decisión correcta, tal vez no justa, pero correcta.


Aborté y no me arrepiento. I do not regret my abortion.

Estrella Triste Estrella

"Yo me salve"
Todo comenzó el 06 de junio cuando en un baño moribundo y…

katrina nicole

the only time i look back is to say thank god


Yo aborté


Zrobiłam to!

Wiadomość o ciąży:

Mój cykl menstruacyjny zawsze wynosił 28 dni


I had a surgical abortion at Planned Parenthood in Beacon, NY at 4 weeks.


To była bardzo trudna decyzja ale w tamtej chwili nie potrafiłam sobie…


2 miesiące po aborcji. Moje życie wróciło do normy. Jest dobrze..


Fue una decisión de vida

mary cry

pior momento de minha vida


Decidí sobre mi futuro.


Calma, eu sei seu desespero. VAI DAR TUDO CERTO! #FORÇA

Cristina Lima

Fiz um aborto.


Yo aborte en Chile, en pandemia gracias a Wow