
Share your story

Moje życie to moje wybory. / My life is my choices.

2011 Poland (born in Poland)

Nie będę żałować tej decyzji. Nigdy. / I will not regret this decision. Never.

Moja przyjaciółka użyła wcześniej Misoprostolu. Przeczytałam wszystko, co było w sieci... fora, tec./ My friens was used the Misoprostol previusly. And I was read every information which was been in internet - forums, etc.

Mam już 2 dzieci, moja psychika nie poradziłaby sobie z kolejnym. Cierpię na depresję i ciężko mi być matką. Nie stać nas na kolejne dziecko. / I have 2 childern yet. My psyche will does not cope with another child... I suffer from depression and I find that is too hard to be a mother. We can not afford another child.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

Jestem zła, że nie mogłam tego zrobić legalnie i bezpiecznie. / I'm upset and angry that I could not do it legally and safely.

How did other people react to your abortion?

Wiedział tylko mąż. Wsparł mnie psychicznie, bo rozumiał moją decyzję./ Only my husband knew. He's supporting me, cause he was understood my decision.

Charlotte Sigler

I had an abortion

Patricia Bronstein

I was married and had known since an early age that I did not want to be a…


Descobri que estava grávida no dia do meu aniversário, na época, sem nenhum…


yo encauce mi destino...


Mam 20 lat. Zaszłam w nieplanowaną ciążę. Niestety mieszkam w kraju, w którym…


I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed


I got pregnant by the guy I was only dating for 2 months. I found out about it…


Zakochałam się w mężczyźnie o 13 lat starszym. Zawrócił mi w głowie. Jest…


I was let down by birth control and had two abortions. During my second…


À 32 ans, j'ai avorté parce que ce n'était pas le bon moment.

E. Souza

Espero que ajude outras mulheres, pois assim como eu, no desespero, procurei…


Quero tranquilizar vocês, descobri minha gravidez no dia 1º de dezembro de 2019

Cela B

Você precisa fazer uma auto avaliação e ver o que é melhor pra você. Não…


I had an abortion I’m not mad about all the soul-baring on the internet, but I…


Minął rok od aborcji. Bylam młoda, mialam zaczac studia. Zaszłam w ciążę z…


No me arrepiento


Bylam za granica kiedy postanowilam zrobic pierwszy test ciazowy. Okres…