
Share your story

....because my pregnancy was unexpected and I did not want another child. My family was complete. After years of struggling to have the two children I did have, I was devastated when I saw that pink line on the pregnancy test as I contemplated turning 40. I quite literally wanted to die.

2008 United States

I was only afraid of the pain - which in the end was minimal. I was able to do exactly what I wanted and needed to do in the privacy and comfort of my own home. I wish more women had access to this option.

I had a medical abortion in the privacy of my own home and all went as planned. In my case, I experienced very little pain. It simply felt like a heavy period. I planned to spend the weekend in bed and taking it easy. By Monday, I was back on my feet taking care of my other two children. I wish more women understood this option and had access to it.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

Yes! Unfortunately in the US, finding a doctor that would provide me with a medical abortion was much more difficult than the abortive process itself. I also had to endure invasive/obnoxious protestors at my appointments.

How did other people react to your abortion?

I am lucky to have very supportive friends, but I have told very few people. The ones I have told are unfazed.

Bia Li

Me encontro na cama deitada nesse momento, após ter passado um dia inteiro no…


I don't regret my abortion.



Constanza Arely

El ser madre debe ser una decisión, una de las mejores experiencias que vive…


I had an abortion.


Uratowałam sobie życie


Yo aborté y soy una chica libre

Ewa Izabela

I am pro-choice


i'm irish, i had an abortion while living in the netherlands.


I interrupted my early pregnancy


I have had 3 abortions, one clinical, 2 medical. I do not regret those…


Uma escolha difícil.


Yo aborté los miedos, la pena, el vacío y el amor.

Anna Cavalcante

Olá, o meu nome é Anna, eu fiquei grávida aos 18 anos, e devido à minha idade

Emmy Smith

It was the best decision of my life


Miałam aborcję.