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원치않는 임신을 경험하고 계십니까? 위민온웹(Women on Web)은 안전하고 믿을 수 있는 약물적 임신중지 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

최신 업데이트 모두 탐색

Women on Web counters disinformation on abortion that puts abortion seekers at risk in Italy

Today, the Senate allows Italy's biggest anti-abortion lobby, Provita e…

Free Abortion Care and Therapy for Ukrainians

Donate to support Ukranian refugees access abortion care and therapy

시민사회 단체, 해결되지 않은 임신중지 권리에 대한 조치 촉구

2019년 4월 헌법재판소의 형법상 '낙태죄'에 대한 헌법불합치 결정과 그에 따른 개정입법 시한이 경과함에 따라 한국에서 임신중지는…

Anti-abortion groups in family planning clinics: Women on Web prepares for an increase of help requests from Italy

Women on Web, a non-governmental organization that has supported over 120,000…

Women on Web supports the legalization of abortion in Germany and calls for improved access to abortion services

The consistent demand for support that Women on Web receives from Germany…

Blossoming Freedom: Three Polish Ministers Received Abortion Flowers to Celebrate International Women’s Day

Online abortion service, Women on Web, gave flower bouquets made of abortion…

Abortion Framing Toolkit

Introducing the Abortion Framing Toolkit – your go-to-guide for crafting…

The Digital Rights Issue

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