
130 ニュース&アップデート



中絶胎児の心霊!? 水子供養へ一言。



「Women on Webスタッフ・ カタリーナさんに聞く」動画内容ご紹介 (動画は ここをクリック) ​​​​​「SOSHIREN女(わたし)のからだから…

Women on Web is donating services to Ukrainian refugees in need of abortion

In light of the current crisis in Ukraine, Women on Web is donating free…

GPs can now offer abortion pills in The Netherlands

On March 16, Women on Web celebrated a triumphant occasion in the Netherlands…


Donate to support free abortion care for Ukrainian refugees

WHO recommends telemedicine as an alternative to in-person abortion care

Telemedicine constitutes a form of health service delivery where providers and…

International coalition to support filing of a suit to stop South Korea’s shutdown of womenonweb.kr

On December 13, 2020, the Korea Communication Standards Commission (KCSC…

Women on Web starts providing abortion pills in advance

Now women can request abortion pills in advance and take them as soon as they…

Building Safe Spaces to Talk About Abortion: RAWSA MENA Network

The mission of Women on Web is to provide safe, accessible, and affordable…