News and Updates

114 news and updates

Press Release: Women on Web Korea’s Official Twitter Account Suspended by Twitter

Twitter suspends abortion facilitator and advocacy group, Women on Web’s

Abortion film club: 3 films to watch on abortion

Following the success of our Abortion Book Club and now that the lockdown…

Using Technology to manage Abortions and Reclaim Power Over Our Bodies

“ Thank you to all who have been successfully running this site and providing…

Time 100 : Rebecca Gomperts figure parmis les 100 personnes les plus influentes de 2020

Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, la fondatrice de Women On Web et Women on Waves, a été…

All You Need to Know About Abortion in Northern Ireland Now

Abortion has been recently decriminalised in Northern Ireland. We talked to…

Une brève histoire de l’avortement en France

Pendant la crise du Covid-19, la France a étendu sa législation sur…

COVID-19 Statement and Call for Action

Although several countries allowed self-use of medical abortion pills during…

Abortion Book Club: 5 Books to Read on Abortion

Here are Women on Web's literary picks for you to check out during the pandemic!

L'OMS soutient l'avortement médicamenteux autogéré jusqu'à 12 semaines

L'OMS avance que le processus d’avortement médicamenteux pour les grossesses de…

Abortion Rights and Activism in Argentina

Argentina came so close to decriminalizing abortion. Abortion bill being…

Interview with Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, Founder of Women on Waves and Women on Web

Working in Guinea as a young doctor, Dr. Rebecca Gomperts confronted with the…

Digital Redlining of Abortion Access and Women on Web

Women and pregnant persons need abortion during the pandemic, yet digital…