
Share your story

2016 United Kingdom

The pregnancy made me feel angry and out of control of my own body- the abortion gave me freedom and I felt relieved to be able to take back control of my body. I feel lucky and can’t imagine what it’s like for the women not having access to this health care.

Took tablets at clinic and then went home. I had been told to prepare for pain but there was none, just heavy bleeding. A good experience. I just wish people told me how easy it was as I had never been educated on it beforehand!

Simply Didn’t want a child / unwanted pregnancy


Foi um pesadelo mas no final me senti mais aliviada


Sempre fui a favor do aborto, não por uma questão feminista, mas por acreditar…


I made the best decision for me


I am having an abortion as I am writing this, at home with cytotec…


Estou numa relação estável há 4 anos e há 2 parei de usar anticoncepcional…


Po porodzie miałam postanowienie, wiecej dzieci nie chcę, mój ginekolog dobrze…


mifepristona + misoprostol

Lucy Bennett

I was almost 5 months pregnant and I had no idea. I had just turned 16 and me…


J'ai avorté quand j'avais 18 ans. Je ne le regrette pas, je suis fière d'avoir…

Ma N

Y fue un proceso duro física y emocionalmente.


This isn't my first abortion.... :'( My second one I am currently scheduled for.


Am I a horrible person


To była bardzo trudna decyzja ale w tamtej chwili nie potrafiłam sobie…

Godherself on Instagram

I had 4 abortions and I’m not ashamed

Amanda Abravanel

Oi meninas vim aqui Relatar o meu Aborto, acredito que o meu comentario possa…