Dolores Feffer

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I had two.

No woman should ever have to justify a dessicion on her own body.

Thank you Women on Web for supporting women and advocating for free choice.

2010 Israel

I just wanted them out. There was so much going on in my life, there was no way I was going to give it up.

Horrible. Since the abortion was done in a makeshift OR, and with the wrong anesthetics, I ended up trying to scratch my face off and vomiting all over the clinic. The second abortion, in 2015, was done ligally, in a hospital, and it was the complete opposite. No pain, no disconfort. At all. The staff and the doctors reasured me.

I didn't want those pregnencies. No more, no less. Never thought I needed anymore reasons. My choice.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?


How did other people react to your abortion?

I had lots of support at the time, my friends that know about it support me too.


I had to get an abortion after my Skyla IUD was placed improperly or slipped. I…


Aborto cytotec 5 semanas


I come from a country where abortion is legal but due to my personal…



W 20. tygodniu zakończyłam ciążę bez bólu, pod narkozą, w…


Me hice un aborto porque no quería ser madre en ese momento.


I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed


No es mi primera vez, es mi segunda vez que lo hago y no me arrepiento.

Godherself on Instagram

I had 4 abortions and I’m not ashamed


Sinceramente eu não imaginei que passaria por isso esse ano. Mas sabia que um…


Fiz o procedimento ontem e quero contar com riqueza de detalhes , por isso…

Juliana Cabral

Fiz um aborto com 8 semanas


Zawsze miałam bolesne miesiączki, wiec spodziewałam się, ze będzie naprawdę…


yo aborte y no me siento culpable.


I was so scared but it was right and I know deep in my heart now.

Liz Hoffman

Passando pra deixar meu relato, pois sei que vai ajudar muitas mulheres que…

Mitzi .

I had an abortion. And i know that was the best choice.


Abortion as a right not a privilege: My abortion story