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Not as bad as it seems. Being scared was worse than the pain.

2018 Ireland

I started feeling weird in the morning, I wouldn't say I would be as bad as throwing up but I just felt like something wasn't right. I didn't exactly enjoy the smell of food or I could eat. So I took a test and as it seems it was positive. I wasn't surprised. I knew it before I took the test. I could just feel it. All I ate were tuc tuc crackers, bananas and grapefruit for the next few days. I knew about womenonweb as I done my research a year before out of curiosity. I order the tablets to my Postal Pal to the UK and then they got delivered to my Post Office in the next 3 days. PostalPal is a service provided by the Irish post where you can purchase something and get it sent to the UK or USA as some websites dont allow the parcels to come straight to Ireland. When I got an email from the post saying my package is ready I was actually kind of nervous thinking the Police might be there to ask questions or something along the lines. When I got there and showed my ID she straight away knew what parcel it is and went into the back room for about 10mins I was super nervous then in case she reported it or called the police. Then she came out I paid and she took ages putting details into the computer which again stressed me out. Finally I got the parcel and walked as fast as I could. First to the shop to get stuff to prepare then home. I took the first pill at 6pm and then hung out with my boyfriend for the night nothing happened at all. The next night I took the following four under my tongue. Straight after I felt a growing pain in my stomach and ran to the bathroom to throw up about 4 times then diarrhoea came along... after that I lied down in bed with cramps I squeezed the bed covers they started by an awfully strong cramp for 10 seconds and a two second rest. After an hour they were gone. I was still bleeding very little though. Which was surprising to me. My stomach was still sore but no cramps. I was scared to put more tablets under my tongue in case the cramps came back. I did it anyway. As I did it though I went to the bathroom and things came out of me. I wouldn't say I was bleeding very heavy but that's because I've awful periods in general. After that I was getting better. My apetite came back too. I felt a relief and the pain in my stomach made me happy cause I knew it was over. I called my boyfriend over then he was downstairs for the whole thing as I wanted to be left alone. At 12am it was completely over I showered had some sweets and went to sleep. The next day it was all good. Felt like myself again. It was week 8-10 of my pregnancy. If there is any woman from Ireland that needs some help you can always give me a text and I will help. My number is 0 eight, nine, two, five, five, seven, nine, one, seven. Make sure to put the Ireland code at the front. Good luck! I'm sure ye can do it. Make sure to prepare: -Pads -Comfortable Clothing -Ton of toilet paper -Glass of water -Warm blanket

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

Not at all, I always knew that if I ever got pregnant it would be something I'd have to do.

How did other people react to your abortion?

I haven't told anyone. Even my partner as I'm sure he'd try to convince me too keep the baby.


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Nunca me senti tão sozinha!