
Share your story

2012 Canada

I never second-guessed my decision, and I still know it was the best choice for me by far.

I had a surgical abortion in 2012 and 2014, both times in Toronto, Canada. Both times I experienced only a small amount of pain during the procedure. The staff at each clinic were incredibly professional and kind. It was completely free both times, and after the clinic I went to for my second abortion offered me an IUD for free as well, which I have been very satisfied with so far. Both times I was accompanied by my boyfriend, who was incredibly sweet and supportive, and I was able to go right to my bed and rest until I felt better. I experienced light bleeding and relatively painful cramping for a few days, though nothing too severe. My experiences with abortion have been overwhelmingly positive. I feel so privileged to live in a country where my right to an abortion is secure. Furthermore, I live in a part of Canada where abortion is easily accessible. Canadian women in many provinces and most rural areas do not have access to local abortion services, and must travel to have one. It is unacceptable that women have unequal access in Canada; travelling far for an abortion costs women money, time, and discretion, in that teenagers or women in controlling relationships who must hide their abortions may not be able to travel without arousing suspicion. This is the problem that many Canadian women have in accessing abortion, and the situation is obviously far graver elsewhere in the world, and I am so grateful for the services Women on Web provide to those women. It is so important that we share our stories of abortion. This medical procedure is ubiquitous, necessary, and a basic human right, and it is so important that all women around the world are easily able to access it. We must share our stories to destigmatize abortion, so thank you for providing me the platform to share it.

How did other people react to your abortion?

The people I told were all incredibly supportive both times that I had an abortion. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by people who are pro-choice and non-judgemental.


Fiz um aborto com 13 semanas , não se desespere vai dar tudo certo !


Mis 2 ángeles

Dulcinea Vázquez

Las pastillas tardaron un poco mas de 3 horas en hacer efecto, no presenté…



Tengo 22 años y aborte en febrero de este año. Me di cuenta de que estaba…


fui libre respecto esta decision

M. .

Fiz um aborto e me sinto aliviada. Agradeço muito a toda a equipe do Women on…


Mi experiencia


Aborté a mis 18, a unos cuantos meses de mi graduación de preparatoria.

Patricia Bronstein

I was married and had known since an early age that I did not want to be a…

Vivi Lili

La vdd no creo que sea malo soy una mujer casada y tengo un precioso hijo pero…

E. Souza

Espero que ajude outras mulheres, pois assim como eu, no desespero, procurei…


at just 19 years old.


Era lo mejor


Yo he estado en las dos caras de la moneda, cuando tenia 16 años quede…


Having an abortion was the right thing for my family.


Pregnancy and abortion - what a trip.

baby t

i had 2 abortions first 1 when i was 16 i knew i was ready to have a child or…


Minor blip overcome thanks to Women on Web