
Share your story

I just had my 3rd son 4 months prior finding out I was pregnant. I got a restraining order against the father 2 months prior finding out I was pregnant. I got verbally abused and car stolen a month before finding out I was pregnant. After 6 years and 2 children I would think I wanted better for myself but I guess I don't but I didn't have his daughter. I wanted a girl so bad but I had an abortion. Hopefully I can find a man that doesn't abuse me and know how to be patient with me because of what he did. I had an abortion because I wanted better for my daughter even if I think I don't for myself.

2020 United States

It was unreal. I expected the pain and blood but I didn't comes to terms with what I was giving up. Until my daughter at 9 weeks and 3 days laid on my right thumb under my tattoo of my first name. The feelings when our eyes connected was terrifying. Such a dark and scary time to have to flush down the daughter I always wanted down the toilet. I didn't expect to see the fetus but I did. I couldn't do anything but scream then quickly cover my mouth because in the next room was my 3 son's and the niece of my children's father. He still doesn't know or I haven't told him that I terminated that pregnancy.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?


How did other people react to your abortion?

I only told 5 people. None which are blood related. They were supportive knowing the history of my relationship.


Tome la decisión ya que anteriormente (a los 15 años) ya había tenido un…

F. B

Vivi 2 meses em um pesadelo


Tomé una desición


Rozumiem wszystkie kobiety które chcą legalnie dokonać aborcji. Rozumiem że…

anita nyaera

I had three abortions latest being 2018.I feel guilty but I had no choice.


Basically I found out two weeks ago that I was pregnant, to my shock and awe…


Hice lo mejor que pude.


I was too careless after meeting a guy when I was in a vulnerable period and…

Rocio Rocio

14 semanas


misto de melancolia e alívio


Zawsze miałam nieregularny okres, także tydzień spóźnienia nie dawał mi…


Uma escolha difícil.


O aborto é uma escolha apenas da MULHER.


Sin remordimientos

Bom foi uma decisão bem complicada, porque eu nunca pensei em fazer isso. Eu…

Carolina pink

Abortar tambien es un acto de amor


I had a surgical, had two kids, and then had medical abortion.




I come from a country where abortion is legal but due to my personal…