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I interrupted my early pregnancy

2015 Mexico

After taking the pills and when the bleeding stopped i felt a little sad and in big need of my husband. He has been great and caring and understanding, i love him deeply. And he made me feel we are a team in everything.

It is VERY painful, considering you are killing a part of yourself. It took longer that i was told i woul feel terrible. It took me one whole week instead of three days. The clinic i visited is Planned Parenthood and they are incredible and they helped me throught all the process.

My husband and i feel that we are not to have another baby right now, then we discovered it was an ectopic pregnancy and i believe that made the decision even easer to take

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

It was legal for me even if in Mexico its illegal. I took advantage of living in the border with the USA where i was able to find proper medical support and get the medicines

How did other people react to your abortion?

I did not tell but my brother and sisters


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