
Share your story

2013 United States

I Knew it was the right choice for me, but I didn't feel comfortable sharing that with anyone because I didn't want to deal with the judgement and people who would say things like, "Don't you want to keep this last piece of him?"

I spiked a very high fever the next day. I went to an urgent care clinic and lied, saying I'd had a miscarriage. Technically, I did- it's just that it was an induced miscarriage. They sent me to the ER to do an ultrasound to ensure that there was nothing left. Everyone was extremely kind to me, sympathizing with my 'miscarriage.'

My husband had shot himself in front of me, 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant.

How did other people react to your abortion?

I only told 2 people. Both were supportive.


I had an abortion, so that I could heal.


Esta es mi historia: Tengo 35 años y 3 hijos, dos nenas y un varón de 6, 3 y 1…


No fue bueno pero fue lo mejor.


No había otra opción.

Liz Price

I had an abortion


Yo aborté.


Medical abortion is easy, provides instant relief


Moje życie to moje wybory. / My life is my choices.


j´ai avorté.


Minor blip overcome thanks to Women on Web


Mis decisiones son las mejores porque son mías.


No me arrepiento


I have had two abortions

Ana Luiza

A ironia entre abortar e renascer.


Yo aborte con cinco semanas de gestación.... En el mi corazón siempre vivirás.

Anyel. Mtz.

Esto marcó mi vida, pero agradezco a Dios por esta segunda oportunidad


Enfim,tudo começou em Outubro. Tive relações sexuais com meu parceiro fixo (Meu…

Cindy Rios

Yo aborte porque no estaba en el momento adecuado para tener un hijo, mi madre…