baby t

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i had 2 abortions first 1 when i was 16 i knew i was ready to have a child or if i ever want to have children and i didn't want a pregnancy at 16 to be a deciding factor for my future the second one i was 24 and i honestly had a lot going on my life from financial depression to just life in general and i didn't want to add more to my plate, yes i have decided that i want to have children but i want them to come to steady life

2019 South Africa

the first i was too emotional and felt guilty for taking a life but grew to understand my decisions

How did other people react to your abortion?

my friends and family respected my decision but my boyfriend was devasted as he felt he was ready and well the second time it between me and my boyfriend and it was a mutual decision


No había otra opción.

Mandy Amanda

Hora de recomeçar


I was too careless after meeting a guy when I was in a vulnerable period and…

Lucy Smith

It was never going to be easy


La decisión de abortar no es nada fácil, en realidad por mi mente deabundan…


Never had any regrets


I was 22 turning 23 when I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant. The father and I…


getting thru the pain.

Aline Santos

Momento de confusão e angústia em minha vida. Mais após muita reflexão vi que…


Some may say I was selfish, other may say I'm going…


I discovered I was pregnant. It was about 5 weeks and 4 days old. I did an…


Pense en el bienestar de los 2

Ewa Izabela

I am pro-choice

deja la vida volar

decidí escribir mi experiencia en detalle ya que en mi país el aborto es…

Bryann Turner

It was the right decision for me at this time.