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I had more than one abortions. I made the choices because I care about the greater good. I felt that I could not provide for a child under my circumstances and I was supported by the father. It was not an easy decision to make but I do not regret it and I would make the same decision again.

2004 United States

I had feelings of guilt and I was ashamed to tell anyone. But in the end I knew I made the right decision. I am very at peace now and I want others to know that this doesn't define you as less of a person.

I was treated with dignity and was not judged at the clinic so that eased the decision. I was able to abort at home and that was also very helpful.

How did other people react to your abortion?

The only people who knew were the father and my closest friends whom all supported my decision. Although my sister was mad after I confided in her but she eventually came to understand my decision.


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