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I am having an abortion as I am writing this, at home with cytotec (mifepristone). There is discomfort and mild side effects (dizziness, fever) but it is extremely manageable and I am so grateful that this option is available to me.

I have always supported the right of every woman to choose an abortion, but never expected to be faced with this choice myself as I have always been extremely careful with birth control.

I am married and my husband and I had made the decision to try to have a child - it was my dream. And then, just two months after I stopped my birth control, my husband attempted suicide by overdosing on heroin and cocaine. A problem from his past that had come back, and that he had been hiding from me...

He was hospitalized, we separated, and then I discovered I was pregnant. I couldn't eat and started losing weight, couldn't sleep, couldn't take care of myself let alone lead a healthy pregnancy and have a child on my own.

My heart goes out in solidarity to women around the world who are faced with this difficult choice, no matter what their decision may be. In my case, this was the right decision, and it outrages me that all women do not have access to this simple and safe option should they need it.

2014 France


Most difficult choice I’ve ever made

PatoPato Quire

Yo decidí por su libertad.


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was 20 nearrly 21 i hadnt had a…


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versão corrigida do relato


La decisión más difícil de mi vida


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Mitzi .

I had an abortion. And i know that was the best choice.

maly min

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Ciąża nie powinna być przypadkiem!!!


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