
Share your story

I did it because as a female that is my right to control my body no man or government will regulate that and it was a decision I made as a young adult who was not ready for motherhood

2010 United States

Medical abortion was easy and effective

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

No that would not have mattered to me

How did other people react to your abortion?

thankful it was safe and over with


Há 5 anos atrás fiz um aborto,e hoje vejo claramente que foi a melhor escolha e…

Jedna z Tysiecy

Kiedy nie chcesz dziecka, i wiesz, ze tak musi byc.

gdy twoj ex partner z…

F. B

Vivi 2 meses em um pesadelo

Aga... ta...(?)

zastanawiam się jak to przeżycie i fakt co zrobiałam wpłynie na dalsze moje…


E no começo me arrependi mas vi que seria a melhor opção, e escrevendo meu…


Wczoraj dokonałam aborcji.
Odejście od męża, związanie się z nowym, wydawałoby…

Laura Helena

Olá meninas , me chamo Laura , tenho 21 anos ,uma filha linda de 2 aninhos e…


Moja aborcja przemineła tak jak miała , wziełam tabletki potem dojadałam .


I have had 3 abortions, one clinical, 2 medical. I do not regret those…


Abortions are not fun !


I felt it was accapted to have an abortion

CJ Koivuniemi

I had an abortion. I was twenty years old and living in Ireland, a country…


Zakochałam się w mężczyźnie o 13 lat starszym. Zawrócił mi w głowie. Jest…


I had an abortion-it was a difficult decision...

R. P.

Força, meninas, que tudo se ajeita!