Alisa Roberts

Share your story

2019 United Kingdom

I was scared when I found out i was pregnant and felt very irresponsable.

It wasn't a 'good' experience as a whole,. but I felt very little discomfort. With just one supportive person i got through it okay

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?


How did other people react to your abortion?

My mum was disapointed and tried to convince me otherwise, but after explaining to her that i wasn't ready, she seemed to understand more.


100% segura

YoungWoman from India

This website gave me the confidence that I could do it. It gave me all the…


Yo aborte


fiz um aborto sozinha

Maria Madalena

Fiz um aborto e me sinto muito, muito aliviada!!!


Dzien w którym potwierdzila sie moja ciaza był jak wyrocznia... Mam dużo swoich…


Deu tudo certo.

Mandy Amanda

Hora de recomeçar


I had an abortion, so that I could heal.

Leah Frida

Yo aborté! porque es mi derecho!

Paula *

Yo acompañe a mi hermana quien pasó por este proceso, siempre fui una persona…


My abortion was what needed to be done at that time. Deep down me I know I…


Despite the intense feelings I've had since, I know it was the right thing to…


Something that has carried with me ever since.


The first time I was too young the next I was old enough to know I had no right…


I was 22 turning 23 when I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant. The father and I…


I had an abortion. And I would do it again, if I was me at that time back then…

Esmeralda Esmralda

Por que lo hice es quizas por que nobera mi momentl consideraba era muy pequeña…